Friday, May 11, 2007


My final project. I'm not exactly happy with it. I wasn't able to edit the sound because I'm having issues with my avid save file. It wont export it after I've saved it. It's something wrong with my orginal file that I can't fix. If I had original copy before starting all the saving I would be able to work this situation out but they're long gone now. Lesson learned though. Oh well, here it is! Click on the picture to view the movie.


April 24th

Progress I've made so far. Click on the pictures below to view the video.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

01 [BlogGraph]

Testing of Animated Gifs:

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Draft Production Strategy

04/04/07 2:54 pm

I plan on doing all of film, photo, and sound recording on both sides of north third street. From Martin Luther King Drive down to Old Third World street. When taking photo and film I'm going to do all of my recording during and right after sunset just before it gets dark. I want to illustrate a sort of fading away style to my work and I believe this will help. When recording sound I'm going to leave my mics in one stationary place for about 15 mintues a time, so I can get a proper feel of the area. This work isn't about movement it's about what exists on this particular street.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Curiosity #3

Do we acknowledge and understand the historical properties of the city?

1. Milwaukee is over a 100 years old, and pieces of the old city aspects still exist.

2. History is more than just the people.

Curiosity #2

In whats do an objects age effect our perception of it?

1. I tend to like things that look newer, maybe everyone else does too.

2. American Capitolistic system is obsessed with bigger, better, newer.

Curiosity #1

How concious are we of time?

Plausiable Causes:

1. Witnessing people around me, all at very different ages and relizing that we relate time more to ourselves rather than the world around us.

2. Being driven, just like every other student, by time. A.M.,P.M., deadlines, etc.

Recalled Place,.. Person,.. Situation. 04/03/07

Recalled Place,.. Person,.. Situation 04/03/07

- On one of my treks I walked for two hours down third street, starting at Martin Luther King Drive and Locust, continuing down pass the old factories and breweries, pass Old Third World street all the way to the Grand Avenue Mall. What struck me was the massive construction going on up and down the block. It's a similar thing I've been seeing throughout the city, with many new condo's being built and roads being repaired. What I found really interesting though was the fact that you could still parts of the old city co-existing with parts of the new city. Not only could you see but it hear it also. The sounds of construction intersected and mingled with the sound of people and old music. Having lived in Milwaukee all of my life it provoked within me a sense of nostaglia. So the question I pose is: Does the old city still exist, despite this violent and rapid reconstruction going on?